
Monday, June 22

June Happenings

Earlier this month we had two birthday parties for Carter's 4th birthday! One with his preschool friends and another with family. Both were so much fun! We got a moon bounce and I think several of the adults had as much fun on it as Carter and friends did.

Carter had his last  day of preschool (except he has another year next year). It's so bittersweet to see how much kids grow up in a school year.

Look at that baby face in the left photo. Come back!!!! : (

In other news, Tom and I finally got to play Cards Against Humanity. We've had it since Christmas, but it's one of those things that if it's just two of you, you read the cards and chuckle quietly and say, "This would really funny with a group." It's just not the same with two people. You need at least 4, more is probably even better (but probably you should be pretty good friends, otherwise it might just be awkward).

So I always give you a little update of what we've been watching on Netflix. Best thing I've watched this month is Granite Flats. It's so different than every other show and it's definitely family-friendly. I  love watching it on my iPad in the kitchen while I do the dishes, and I don't have to worry about whether Carter's playing nearby. Not one you have to pause or turn down the volume when kids walk into the room. Older kids would probably enjoy the storyline too! My dad and sister got me hooked on it. I think my dad wishes this was his childhood (and judging by his personality, it was probably somewhat close).

I also watched Cake last night, and while it will certainly leave you feeling a little more depressed than when you started it, it's worth the watch.

I found out David Sedaris is going to be within reasonable driving distance for a reading in the fall. I'm giddy. I hope my mom comes with me. On more than one occasion we have relived reading about his performance art days and we can't even handle ourselves. My mom went to art school so she's all too familiar.  I wish he liked taking pictures because I'd be all over posting it here. Maybe I can snap a photo near his "No pictures, please" signage? Have you read Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls? I wake Tom up way too often at night because I can't contain my laughter. Reading funny material at night ensures waking up in a good mood. That's my philosophy, anyway. The first book I ever read of his (Me Talk Pretty One Day) gave me ab spasms from laughing so hard.

And lastly, we leave for Disney World TOMORROW! I can't contain my excitement. Carter says he's excited, but I don't think he fully understands the magic of WDW. He'll figure it out soon enough! He says he's most excited about roller coasters, and after that he's excited to meet the characters. This boy does love his fast rides. Last summer he went on his first roller coaster and instantly threw his hands up in the air and screamed. He learns fast. We're going to be two peas in a pod on rides and I can't wait. We'll see how Tom's legs fit on the rides. His knees are probably going to be somewhere in the vicinity of his ears.

Enough rambling. I need to finish packing.

And a soccer photo and a flea market find to end your read.

This post is part of a year-long partnership with the Netflix #StreamTeam

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