
Tuesday, June 9

Father's Day Gift Ideas

So I don't know about any of you, but I struggle with coming up with ideas for Father's Day. So the genius of is exactly what I needed. Lots of cool, unique ideas all in one place. How many polos and random tools does a dad really need? Branch out!

I was all over this mini keg growler for Tom because he's recently gotten into a micro brewery near us where you wait in line for hours just to get a few (large) bottles. So I thought an accessory for that new habit couldn't hurt. Also, it's going to be perfect for all the fires in our back yard that we'll have this summer! 

For the following reasons, I feel like SUCH a real adult now. Not just a 20-something adult, but like maybe verging on 40, even though I'm not actually quite there yet.
1. Our favorite activity is reading by the fire.
2. Our grass is not growing well this year and I'm genuinely upset about it. I always thought you had to be retired before you started caring so much about your grass--not true.

Also, I'm really impressed by how heavy the cap to this growler is. Ha! I thought it was deserving of a photo all on its own. I'm terrible with estimating, but this thing's gotta weight a good full pound or so.

Other great ideas for Father's Day:
The Handpresso!
Mule Mugs
Stainless, Stemless wine glasses
And space pens are always cool because who doesn't find themselves needing to write upside down or through whipped cream on the regular? provided this product for review. This post is not sponsored. All opinions are my own (and Tom's).

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