
Tuesday, January 27

Things Carter Asks

1. Why don't I have bunk beds?
A million reasons. Mainly, you are three and you are a boy. #injuries #ERvisits #nothanks

2. How did Santa know to use the same wrapping paper [as you and daddy]?
This was a near parenting fail. Tom's face says it all.

3. Is Little Bunny Foo Foo bad? Is the Fairy Godmother a good person or a bad person?

4. [holds up a round ball toy with a stick at our neighbor's house] Hey, is this a Glitzy Globe?
What the heck is a Glitzy Globe? Someone watches too many YouTube videos...

5. Why do you love me?
This is equally hard to answer because how do I explain that to you? I gave you a lengthy list and then you got bored and started doing play doh.

These days you keep me on my toes, Carter. One minute we're talking about Daniel Tiger and the next you're asking me about the afterlife. Then you're telling me I never want to grow up, I want to stay little forever! It's never a dull moment with you.

Right now your favorite thing is to make YouTube videos. You aspire to be like Sammy and Evan and those Hobby Kids. I think we missed that train, kiddo. But it's OK. I'm not really ready to post more of you than this:

Hey, it's a start. And you're going to get a kick out of watching yourself for all these 4 seconds.

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