
Tuesday, January 27

Gem Poe, The Duchess

This post is part of a year-long partnership with the Netflix #StreamTeam. 

So our sweet puppy Gemma doesn't make it on the blog quite as often as she should. She's pretty shy, she likes to prance in the backyard (especially over snow in her houndstooth and faux fur sweater/jacket) and she's not that into crunchy treats. She has many moods and for those many moods we have many names:

Gemma Posey
Gemma Pose
Gemma Poe
Gem Pose
Gem Poe

We go through about all of these combinations in a single day. She knows them all well. I think she prefers Posey. She gets really googly-eyed when you call her that.

She likes to tease other dogs

And she likes to sit on laps.

Sorry for my not-so-great quality iPhone pictures. I've been the worst about charging my camera. Blast those fast-dying batteries!

Who are my pet people out there? Here's my monthly rundown of what's new and what we're watching on Netflix.

New: Puss in Boots If you're a cat person, this might just be your thing.

What I'm watching: The Duchess
What Tom's watching: who knows
What Carter's watching: all the Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. I really like this show. The little songs in every episode have been so helpful. Carter's favorites are: you've gotta try new food 'cause it might taste gooOOOOoood. And When you're feeling frustrated. Take-a-step-back -- and ask for help. Like what I did there? If you're familiar with the show then you get it.

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