
Friday, May 23

Beautiful Facial Oil {review + giveaway}

So I think you know how I don't like using products with chemicals in them. Pretty sure we've covered that once or several hundred times. Trusted Health asked me to try their Beautiful line of facial oils and I was all over it. Here are my thoughts:

They add your name to the bottle--cute, who doesn't like their own personalized little bottles? Here are mine:

The ingredients are as natural and simplistic as they claim--awesome. Here they are:

My skin felt AMAZING. Our spring weather has been s  l  o  w, but on the days that reached 70 I went sans foundation and just wore this oil and my skin felt great and I have to say it looked pretty great too (if you can get used to the no foundation look--I'm working on embracing it). Sometimes, even with all the best non-foundation-settling tricks, my foundation and concealer gets into those little lines I'm starting to get around my eyes and forehead in my 26th year. Not a fan of these little dudes popping up. This oil definitely helped to camouflage that and it made my skin look more like it was in its 14th year. Works for me.

I have the kind of skin that does best without all that skincare hullabalu--I don't use toner, hardly use cleanser, no crazy masks or facials for this lady. The most I do is exfoliate once a week-ish and so these oils fit perfectly into my little regimen of few ingredients and no hassle. Also, this stuff works better than any eye cream I've ever tried. I also have very sensitive skin (that gets hives from showering--I know) and these didn't cause any issues for me.

I'm sure some of you are already into OCM (oil cleansing method) and these oils would work great for that.

If this is something up your alley, enter the giveaway for the Beautiful AM Moisturizer below. There will be 3 separate winners chosen. You can also try out a free bottle if you pay S&H (check out the details below).

Additional Offers from Trusted Health
1. Try a free bottle if you pay shipping + handling:

The manufacturer is offering a free bottle of Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer (for women) or You’re the Man A.M. Moisturizer (for men), if you pay the shipping and handling cost.  You'll also get two reports with your bottle– The Poisons You Put On Your Face Everyday and Why Your Skin Care Products Have Never Worked: The Truth Revealed .  It's a total value of over $40.00. Click here to get your FREE bottle. If you're someone like me who's really into minimal ingredients, I think this is definitely worth checking out.

2. Save $5 on your first order when you like Trusted Health on Facebook

3. If you happen to not be a girl/woman/lady/ma'am, there is a men's line available called The Man, check that out here


  1. I totally wanna try this but their website makes it look like a scam! Yikes...

    1. I agree with the website, not the best choice for design, but I really liked the oils! They smell awesome too, just like orange oil should smell : )

  2. Great review! But I do agree with the website comments though... Oh, I was wondering if you could also review Vain Pursuits? I'd love to hear what you have to say about their products!

  3. This does look interesting though. Going to dig a little deeper! Just checked out Vain Pursuits as mentioned by the other commenter as well. Sounds like an interesting concept!


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