
Sunday, March 23

Recent Essentials: Carter + Amy

Carter recently had a huge growth spurt and had no. clothes. I've been procrastinating because we're at that awkward moment where it isn't winter, but it isn't spring either. I wanted to wait for warm weather to revamp his closet, but the high waters just weren't cutting it. The number of times he tried to pull his pant legs down over his ankles was starting to become hilarious.

I love that he's at the age now where he can pick out his own clothes. These are a few recent things Carter's acquired. Since it is still in the 40s here he's rocking his Toms with socks. New fashion statement? Not something I would wear, but I'm all about letting him make his own outfit decisions. Now that he's this little person with an opinion, I think he needs opportunities to express it.

Carter Approved

Tiny Toms (ours are from Zulily) >> Sweatpants from H&M >> Angry Birds hat from H&M
V Necks--this one is from Nordstrom >> These Nikes are at Kohl's >> Vans at Kohl's

A few things have been making my days easier recently. I am in a complete funk where I feel like I can not go on if we don't have a day above 50. I am waiting (not so patiently) for it.  I know, you really wanted to come over here and hear me complain about the weather. I'm done, promise.                                                         
Amy Approved

>>I love Lea Michele. My favorites so far are Cannonball, Battlefield and Thousand Needles. 

>>This perfume just makes me feel happy. But I'm too cheap to buy it so I just buy little samples here and there online! 

>>My Breville juicer. The love of my life besides Tom and Carter. It's been making it way easier to get my veggies in. How hard is it to eat healthy when it's cold and cloudy?! Extremely. 

>> I'm wearing this Zoya nail polish right now. 

>>Yes, the Plasma Car is on my "approved" list. It keeps Carter occupied for a large portion of the day, it doesn't scratch our hardwood floors, and I may or may not whip around the house on it when Carter's otherwise engaged. It is so much fun! 

(not pictured) is my new best friend.

*Here's to surviving this dragging cold weather. I'm going to go down some vitamin D, see you tomorrow!*


  1. I'm obsessed with those little Nike hightops! I think I need one of those Plasma cars in my life!

  2. Lea's album is fantastic! Cannonball and Battlefield are definitely 2 of my favs. I also really love Louder. I can listen to the album over and over. Found you on twitter :) @Looking2Stars

  3. I have this juicer, it is AMAZING!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  4. haha, I agree with the plasma car, best invention and adults can ride it too? Yes please! My son and husband chase each other around, son on trike and husband on plasma car. Fun times at our house.


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