
Tuesday, March 4

Our Week + More Le Tote!

Tonight is one of those nights where I sit down and have nothing interesting to say. Let me tell you about the excitement that is my week. Monday, Carter had his first dentist appointment. He was a champ. Got those little teeth cleaned and no cavities! That was huge. Gave me some courage that maybe I'm doing something right (do you know how hard it is to brush a 2 year old's teeth?)

Today, we went to his first gymnastics class (well first of this session and first at this new place). It was....interesting. He did cool things (climbed a cargo net, parallel bars, rings) bbuuuttt his listening skills really weren't all that engaged. I think there was too much to look at, climb on, and just too much general excitement for him to feel like listening to me was any type of priority. Tomorrow's a new day!

In other news,  I got a second tote from Le Tote and it was another success. I was definitely feeling this navy lace top. I've decided that Le Tote is my dream come true because it's like constant shopping without the insane expense. 

You only have to pay $49/month for the Boutique Box (3 garments, 2 accessories) and you can get as many totes per month as you want (and 2 day shipping both ways so you never have to wait long for another tote). Basically you never have to wear the same thing twice. 

Sounds good to me. I no longer possess the time or effort needed to have new regular outfits to wear, so I need someone else to do all the work for me. 

Venetian Lace Blouse here
Marie Peasant Top here
Taupe/Gold Cocktail Ring here
Gold Link Bracelet here


  1. Wow that's really cool! I wonder if they have petite sizing...will have to go ask them. Thanks for the intro!


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