
Wednesday, July 17

Our Mini Vaca Stay at the Beach

We stayed in the cutest, quint-est cottage on the beach with my parents. They're still there (lucky them) and we're back home lounging by the pool (not too shabby either). And by lounging by the pool I mean catching Carter while he does dangerous things and trying to convince him not to jump or run, or do anything too dangerous. There isn't really actual "lounging" involved--what is that?

Well Carter definitely had his attention held at the beach. He got to know a little starfish, held many a hermit crab and touched a horseshoe crab. There were also some fiddler and spider crabs viewed from a distance (they're kind of creepy looking). Basically, there were a lot of crabs (and snails--but those aren't that exciting).

 I am really excited about my "Ame" shirt from

Totally appropriate, don't you think? Who doesn't love a shirt with their nickname on it?

(hat and shirt c/o Chic Nova)

Also, I have the best cocktail recipe. Are you ready? Get yourself a glass. Fill it halfway with a lime-a-rita and halfway with a Corona. Add lime. You're welcome. Lime-a-ritas (to me, at least) are a little too sweet; add more beer and you have perfection!

Have you gone on vacation this summer? Where?


  1. the picture with the starfish from above is really great!

  2. Carter is SO cute ... can we betroth our kids? ... cutest babies ever!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  3. looks like you had a wonderful time! the lime-a-rita's sound awesome! <3

  4. I lived at the beach for 4 years and never found a starfish! I am officially jealous!

  5. Adorable pictures! I'm so trying out your drink recipe...I agree with you about the lima-a-ritas being to sweet. Such a good idea to mix them with corona!

  6. You're both so gorgeous!!!

    Love from South Africa

    Arum Lilea


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