
Thursday, June 20

Our "M" Alphabet Date

(If you haven't heard of the Alphabet Dating series: A blogger is given a letter and organizes a date with her significant other around that letter. Tom and I had "M.")

Well we had big plans to be all exciting and adventurous with our alphabet date, but then Carter got sick and had a high fever for a few days at the same time we planned our date. We decided to have a Date Night In (as in at home) instead! Home date nights are some of our favorites anyway.

It started off with a dose of Motrin for our favorite boy, bedtime, and then some (banana bread) Muffins that I whipped up (emphasis on the fact that they're from scratch because this is really the only thing I cook for real). I made them into little heart shapes because what's cuter and more date-y than heart-shaped muffins?

Oh, you want the recipe? Well go out and grab yourself one of those cheap-o rubbery heart shaped cupcake trays from Target and you'll be ready to go:

This recipe is from my aunt and it's my all time favorite banana bread. I even wrote about it once before here.

Preheat the oven to 350

What You'll Need:
1 C sugar
1/3 C butter (I used Earth Balance buttery spread to make them dairy free; coconut oil works too!)
2 eggs
6 very ripe bananas (I like to freeze the ones we can't eat right away and save them to make these!)
1/3 C water
1 2/3 C all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder

-grease cupcake pan
-mix sugar + butter
-stir in eggs + blend well
-add bananas + water
-stir in remaining ingredients
-pour into pan; bake until toothpick comes out clean
-cool 5 min.

After the muffins, we listened to Music (Mumford & Sons, to be exact) and played Memory. This is maybe the simplest card game of all time, but for some reason I think it's really fun--so does Tom--because he wins all the time (evidence below). P.S. Does anyone else have a husband who wins at everything? Sports, card games, puzzles, word searches; you name it and Tom wins it. Not because he tries to beat me at everything (he wins even when he's trying to let me win). Maybe I'm just terrible at all of these things?

After the rousing game of Memory (I admit, it's not my favorite, but there really aren't that many card games that are exciting with only two people, but we both were in the cards mood), we watched a Mad Men Marathon. We have been wanting to watch it for a while, but we haven't had the chance, so we thought our alphabet date was the perfect excuse to park ourselves in front of the TV for a couple of hours at night instead of doing something productive!

And if you find it at all interesting, I was wearing my new (and favorite) MAC Mascara! A date with the husband is allwwaayyss a good reason to buy new mascara (even when you have 27 others).

Thank you to Kaitlyn and Sharlee for organizing this fun Alphabet Dating series!


  1. I love your heart muffins!!!

  2. Ah those muffins look delicious! I might try to make them over the weekend! This sounds like my kind if date! I totally understand the husband winning EVERYTHING because that's how it is at my house! I will be busting my butt at things and he is naturally good at everything! And I have to admit I get very frustrated and competitive. Ha oh well, at least we're married to winners, right? ;)

    - kandis at

  3. What a cute idea for a post and I love Muffins too!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  4. Heart shaped muffins ... love!
    And sounds like the perfect date to me!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo


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