
Wednesday, April 10

Some Blogger Love

So today I don't have all that much to say because I am about to highlight my hair so I have a little bit of nervous butterflies because what if I get sucked into blog reading and leave it on too long and I go platinum blonde--or worse--my hair gets fried??

Those are the thoughts going through my head right now. Deep, I know.  But not to worry, I've highlighted my hair myself many a time before and so far so good.

{insert funny ecard about highlights gone awry here}--(couldn't find a good one. allmmosst made one)

Since I don't have any earth shattering topics to share with you, I thought I'd let you know about a fellow blogger who I really, really...really love. I'm not obligated in any way to tell you that I like her, she's not holding a jug of blue dye over my head forcing me to type this (but wouldn't that be slightly hilarious?). I just love her--because she's all that and a bag of kale chips.

Michael from Mademoiselle Michael is my home girl. The girl's classy and I scroll through her style posts whenever I start to fear that my closet is lacking any sophistication, whatsoever (which is pretty often). She's also one of those people that makes you want to be a better person. Like the time she asked us to brag about ourselves and share our dreams.  And her writing, oh! her writing. The girl's going to write a highly popular victorian-esque novel one day. I'm pretty sure I made up that term, but whatever. One last thing, she's also freaking beautiful.

I'm done macking on Mademoiselle Michael now. (but it will probably definitely happen again).

I'm feeling awfully makeup-y so I think I shall be back tomorrow with some of that nonsense. Maybe a super colorful eye since it's springtime and all?

And because no blog post is complete without pictures, here are a few of Carter from a couple of months ago when he thought he was so cool for playing with his older cousins. (also his jeans were a little way too big, and I think it's the cutest).


  1. I'm sitting on the sofa, I got bad news from my doctor yesterday, and what a treasure your kind words are. What an unexpected post and gift this was today. You my friend, are extraordinary! You make me sound way cooler than I am. I'm a nerd in fashionista's clothing! :p <3 you. Now let's write a screenplay together.

  2. I love finding new blogs and just subbed to Michael. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

  3. you posted this just in time. thanx for sharing with me, needed the inspiration

  4. Lovely random post - will also be checking Mademoiselle out for some much needed post birth style advice!
    Carter's trousers are super cool... well my husband would think so anyway :) Bee x


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