
Friday, April 26

A Giveaway with Daily Mom! {hint: do you like Lavanila?}

I am so excited to share this giveaway with you!

Some of you might have heard of the new online magazine, Daily Mom, that just launched last month. It's an amazing resource of posts and articles for the modern woman and mom. Imagine Pinterest worthy posts with useful information about all aspects of life--from parenting to beauty, fashion, green living, health, fitness, and more. Once you visit Daily Mom, you will be hooked--jumping from one post to another.

I have partnered with Daily Mom to host one of their giveaways as a part of an extensive 50 Days of Giveaways campaign to celebrate their launch. For 50 days, they will be giving away one awesome prize a day to thank their new readers.

Today one lucky reader as the opportunity to win a collection of baby care products from Lavanila. I use lots of Lavanila products personally (their SPF lib balm, deodorant, and fragrances, to be exact).

Lavanila’s line of baby care products are all you need for a fresh clean little one. Their products are softly scented, gentle and of course, natural. Be sure to check out their products on their website. Keep in the loop by following them on Facebook and Twitter. And of course, enter for a chance to win.

The giveaway will run for a week, and there are only two mandatory entries with many optional ones. This giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents who are 18 or older.

And be sure to visit Daily Mom tomorrow to see what new item they are giving away and to enter previous drawings! The prizes range from strollers to high chairs, monitors, diaper bags, fashion items, baby clothing and photography products. There is something for everyone.

Need Help? Don't have a Facebook account to enter with? Email Daily Mom staff!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

After you've entered the giveaway, be sure to browse Daily Mom and check out some of my favorite posts! I'm loving:


This post is for notification purposes only. To see a full list of prizes and current giveaways, please visit Daily Mom's Giveaway page.

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