
Wednesday, March 13

Rain Boots (littles + bigs): 'Tis the Season

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Since it's getting to be that rainy/wet season where puddles form on top of puddles and your jeans (or yoga pants, in my case) become a disgusting mess if they aren't securely tucked into rain boots, I thought I'd compile a little list of my favorites.

Untitled #6

1, 2 + 3 / 4 / 5

I'm really liking the rain boots from Muddy Puddles, especially #3. Kate Middleton's future child while surely be wearing them (ha--but seriously).

And since we can't leave ourselves out of the rain boot goodness...

Rain Boots

1 /  23 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9

Which boots are your favorite? The grey Hunter boots are on my wish list! I'm also really loving the brightness of #5! They're unique too, look at those babies up close--so pretty! (they're the "chef at the farmers" print).

This post contains links supported by Muddy Puddles. All opinions are honest and are my own.


  1. I really love rain boots but don't have a pair. I don't really get the fad w/ the Hunter boots? They look like any other rain boot but everyone wants the brand Hunter? I've never tried them on but are the super comfy or something??

  2. Love rain boots.. I love all the choices that you posted!

  3. I love number two little and number seven big, how cute!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  4. Muddy Puddles doesn't deliver to the US and I'm le sad now because they are ADORABLE and cheap. Guess I'll have to search Target ;)

  5. Wish I lived somewhere people wouldn't stare if I wore rain boots, so fun!

  6. love rainboots - one of the only good things about rain. those gray adult ones are my fave here!

  7. Love rain boots and I haven't had a good pair in years! Thanks for this list! Perfect!


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