
Monday, March 4

name my blog

GUYS. I need help coming up with a new blog name. I've just sort of outgrown "Not Your Average Baby Blog" seeing as Carter is not so much of a baby anymore. I already talked about this a little in this post.

Would you mind taking a minute to vote on your fave? I thought I'd give you a say seeing as you'll have to be staring at the name and/or typing it into the white box up there ^ for as long as you're around these parts (which I hope is a while!)

I have a little story behind each of these names, but I kind of want your opinion before you know the story. So if you just heard the name, what would you think is the most interesting?

Feel free to leave comments with other ideas, or to let me know if you think there are other blogs/sites out there with names that are too similar (I did quick Google and Go Daddy searches of each of them, but could have missed something--don't want to be too close to anyone else's name--can't stand that!) So, PS, don't steal any of these until I make my decision, or I'll...well, I guess there's nothing I can do about it, but please don't (not that you would).

OK, get voting!

vote for a new name! free polls 

Coming up on the blog: 
-a few favorite hair products!
-a cute etsy shop with the most unique/adorable purses perfect for summer!
-a tooth whitening giveaway!! (I have a tooth whitening addiction--thought I'd get you on board as well)
-an outfit post with some eshakti goods!


  1. I really love Maven! It sounds so intriguing!

  2. I am excited to see what you decide. I am even more excited to hear the story behind the name.

  3. I like Positively Amy so I voted for that ... Either way I am sure the four you have picked will be a great story once we know how you picked them!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  4. If it wasn't for Gone Girl, I would love Positively Amy but it just reminds me of Amazing Amy. Maybe that's because I read it just recently lol. However, I really like Blonde & Blue :) Can't wait for the story!!!

  5. I'm so happy Positively Amy prevailed. It's so sweet and simple. I love it!


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