
Wednesday, March 6

an outfit post, gasp!

I know I don't do these all too often, but they're so much fun! Why don't I do them, you ask? 1. my personal photographer is a bit busy at work and only sees the light of day on Sundays (April, come NOW) and 2. I don't trust Carter with my camera. Maybe in a few years, haha. 

I'm ridiculously excited about my new dress from eshakti! Based on yesterday's post and this one right now, it's kind of been a nautical themed week around here. Can you tell I'm ready for spring and summer?! Enough of this cold drizzly not quite rain, not quite snow weather. I'm done.

You can find a similar skirt here.  You can get everything at eshakti custom fit to your measurements. Dresses also come without or without embroidery, strapless, without straps, you name it. The dress I'm wearing even has pockets! Who doesn't love a dress with pockets?

They even have bridesmaid dresses now! How convenient would it be for all of your bridesmaids to just order their dresses to their measurements? No searching through hundreds of dresses to find one that looks good on everybody and announcing your size in front of a crowd. 

I was going to get all in depth and tell you some momentous stories today, but I'm nearing figurative death as we speak. We had a mother of a meltdown at the grocery store today, and there's a nice large smattering of regurgitated refried beans, banana applesauce, and hot dogs waiting for me in the bathroom. Catch ya on the flip side. (wish me luck).


  1. I love the outfit! I SO need to add some color to my wardrobe!


  2. Look at you rockin' the yellow dress and boots! Hot mama!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  3. I love the title of this post and the look, yellow is pretty on you!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  4. I love this dress! The color is gorgeous on you!

  5. love your outfit posts as always :)

    The DayLee Journal

  6. You're looking really great Mama! I am loving the yellow dress with the white sweater. I really love splashes of color!

    Very nice!

  7. You're freaking gorgeous :) This is such a great color on you!

    And more barf?! Poor you!

  8. You look totally gorgeous, Amy! Yellow is lovely on you!


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