
Thursday, February 7

Who's Pregnant? (not me)

Even though I'm not expecting number two right now, I still like looking at baby gear. It's all just getting cuter, and brighter, and more fun (if that's even possible).

We all know practicality, reviews and ease of use are important when it comes to what you'll be using for your baby, but let's face it...cuteness plays a huge factor too (at least for me! Main reason why I chose to cloth diaper! haha!)

I came up with a little list of The Cutest Baby Gear Ever for all of you expecting mamas out there. 

1. Cutest Lightweight Stroller:
So cute, so sleek, and I'm a sucker for black (it stays clean--well, relatively, as far as baby items go--thank you, spit up!)

2. Cutest Pack n Play/Travel Cot

An owl and a fox you say? Why yes, it is possible to get such cuteness all in one place. And it comes with a free sheet if you get it from Lollipop Lane!

3. Cutest Play Mat

There are no words. The picture says it all.

4. Cutest Hospital Bag

If you want to be the mom at the hospital with the cutest hospital bag of all time (because it matters....haha, OK, no, it doesn't matter, but this is a purchase you can rationalize because it's basically just a large tote/overnight bag. You could also use it as a diaper bag! And every mom needs one of those).

However, I am going to throw it out there that I was in such a dire state of nesting by the end of my pregnancy, that it absolutely DID matter what bag I brought to the hospital. Actually, it mattered so much that I brought two. One was a Vera Bradley floral diaper bag that my mother in law got for me and the other was a Timi & Leslie diaper bag that my mom got for me. I packed both to the brim with random "essentials" for me and Carter (and threw a toothbrush and a granola bar in there for Tom) ; ) Kidding again, he was well taken care of ; )

If you're like me and you absolutely need these things, go hit up Lollipop Lane and feast your eyes!! : )

This post is supported by Lollipop Lane. All photos courtesy of


  1. How cute!! Don't worry, I'm not pregnant, nor have I ever been, and I look at baby clothes and stuff all of the time. :)

  2. Ummmmm, don't look at me.


    That bag is very very cute, but I wouldn't use it to go to the hospital. I would just use it cause it's so sweet!

  3. That playmat is adorable, cute ones are SO hard to find!!

  4. This post is not helping my current bout of baby fever. :) Ha! That travel cot is so precious and absolutely perfect. Lovely list.

  5. That hospital bag!!! How adorable! You are giving me slight baby fever and I am in no way ready for another little one... In fact, I think we are DONE (unless God has other plans of course)! ;)

  6. Oh my goodness, I absolutely love these picks, especially the play mat and I do not even have any kids!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  7. The pack n' play is so cute! My friend just had a baby 2 days ago, I'm going to have to show her that.


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