
Monday, February 11

Shopping: Marvels + Mistakes

Marvel #1: I've been on a little shopping rampage recently. This first item is NOT, I repeat NOT a mistake. I just got these boots:

{see them here}
And I can't wait for them to come!! I want to wear them with a nice pair of Kiki La 'Rue jeggings (they're restocking this week, and if you buy up the color and size I out!!) haha ; )

Marvel #2: I also got some fingerless gloves--my hands get super cold/numb when I type for a long time--not good, right? Maybe this will help for now.

Mistake #1: I'm almost (nope, definitely am) embarrassed to tell you that I bought this hat, but I'm going to share it anyway. It was on clearance for $8 so I figured--worst case scenario it sits in the closet or I give it to Carter as a fashion statement or something.

All it goes...unleash your comments on this baby.

So...yeah. There it is. I have no idea why I bought this. Go ahead and give me your uncensored opinions, it's not going to hurt my feelings. I think I shall humor you and post a picture of me in it once it arrives. I'm actually laughing out loud right now at this purchase. Welcome to the bad decisions of Amy Beth--where you can always feel confident about your own shopping habits. Tom's pretty understanding about random crazy things that I decide to wear, but this....

Mistake #2: My new iPhone case:

{image via}

I really love the way this case's SHARP. Like, poke my eyes out, sharp. I don't really know why I thought these spikes were so amazing. I should have gone for something a little less dangerous, like this:

Find this more practical one here.

Sometimes it pays to impulse buy and doesn't. 

*   *   *   *   *   *

Come back tomorrow for some Mommy Confessions. I'll be linking up with Heather and Megan


  1. Okay, those boots are is that hat! Bahahaha! I cannot wait to see on your head. that iPhone case looks crazy! Imagine if you had someone managed to shimmy that sucker in your back pocket and then busted your butt...ouch!

  2. That phone cover looks painful! The hat is cute I think! I'd wear it skiing ;)
    have a great night!

  3. dying over the boots. love them!

  4. Oh no, be careful with that phone case. I saw someone trying to text using one of those phone covers and it looked difficult.
    Those boots are really cute!

  5. My daughter had a similiar iphone case like the white one.

  6. My daughter had a similiar iphone case like the white one.

  7. Love the boots. . . can't say the same about the hat. Haha! It is cute/fun but not sure an adult can seriously pull it off! Good luck!

  8. The boots are uber cute!

    The hat - is - um....interesting! I am sure you will look very cute in it! MEOW

    That iPhone case looks dangerous. Ouch.

  9. I hate when I spend money on clothes and never wear them, such a waste!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  10. That phone case looks downright dangerous... Being the slight klutz that I am, I'd legit be somehow managing to hurt myself with it! LOVE THOSE BOOTS! ;)

  11. Those boots are amazing! I feel like I've been looking for new boots forever. And honestly I think you could totally rock that hat! With the right outfit and vibe you could make it adorable!

  12. I am in love with those boots. They look like a really classy pair of boots and half chaps that we equestrians ride in. I know want a pair! LOL


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