
Saturday, February 2

Read: Win Ad Space for A YEAR!

If you have a business, blog, or website that you want to grow, you do not want to miss this huge ad space giveaway! 
30 fabulous bloggers have come together to bring you 12 months of advertising. 
One lucky winner will be featured on different blogs each month throughout 2013*.

The winner will be given the following ad spaces during the allotted months. Take a look below and do a couple "oos" and "aahs" at how insanely awesome it would be to have a little home on each of these spaces.

*Since January 2013 has come and gone, the prizes listed under January will be awarded in 2014.

Each of the following bloggers were handpicked based on the quality of their blog, their readership, and social media following:

Enter to win using the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!

Please refer to the Rafflecopter form for complete terms and conditions.


  1. hey amazing giveaway you have going on on here!!
    I'm participating for a chance to win!

    MY blog needs it!thanky you for advertising this giveawayy!

    Bea =)

  2. I found you on OLS - I have found so many new favorite blogs that way!

  3. well i join it! :)


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