
Thursday, February 28

Meet Nathan! (+ a Giveaway too!)

So, if you haven't ":met" him yet, I'd like to introduce you to Nathan from Life & Everything Else In Between! Yeah, you heard that right. We're talking male lifestyle blogger here, you thought they (men) only blogged about finance and computers, didn't you? Well, Nathan talks about his wife and their baby girl very frequently! I don't know about you, but to me, that's a lot more fun than finance (not that there's anything wrong with that). (Oh, and I realize that last statement just sounded super sexist, but contrary to your current opinion, I don't live under a rock and I realize not only men work in/enjoy finance; I just like to have a little fun, OK? OK.) Now that we have that settled...

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Hi everyone, my name is Nathan and I blog over at Life & Everything Else In Between  I'm honored and very excited to have the opportunity to share some things about me, my blog, and an awesome giveaway with you today. Life & Everything Else In Between or leeib is a place where I'm able to share my life and all of the thoughts that I have in between. When I first started leeib in 2011, it was just simply a story. Late last year, I decided that I wanted to make it more than just that. As a person, I've always been the type to help others and my community. In fact, the name Nathan is derived from the Hebrew verb נתן meaning "to give". The meaning of the name in Jewish culture can be rendered "he has given" or "he will give" and how fitting that is because it totally fits my style of life. As my blog grew I decided that I wanted to incorporate helping others and the community directly into it. I created the In The Community  program where I work to raise money for charitable organizations and give back to the community. So far, the ITC program has been quite successful and I couldn't be happier!

Outside my corner of the internet, I'm married to my best friend, Erin and we have an eight month old daughter, Lily and a Labrador retriever, Chloe. We live our lives to the fullest and do our best to help others. We both work in higher education and love our jobs! In fact, we're lucky enough to work for the same institution! Our daughter is a sweet heart, she brings a great deal of joy and happiness to our lives and when you add in our yellow lab there's nothing more rewarding. Our family is what matters most!

Feel free to stop by and follow along! If you're interested in the leeib ITC program go to

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I told you there was a giveaway, didn't I? Right, I did. Take a look at that fantastic prizes Nathan is giving away:

+$25 Amazon Gift Card
+a leeib prize pack,which includes magnets, a pen, and a leeib coffee mug ($35 value)
+3 months of ad space (200x125) at ($12 value) 
+total giveaway value is $72

open to US/CAN
Enhanced by Zemanta

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am so excited to meet a male blogger! I am off to check out his blog. Thanks for sharing.

  2. My bloglovin id is different than my contest email.

    My Sarah B, my bloglovin is Finding Charm,

  3. Blogged :)


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