
Saturday, January 5

Oh, Saturday (and shopping)

So what are you ladies doing on this fine Saturday? We're having a lazy one and I'm making pretzels (I can't believe I'm "cooking" on a Saturday).

You know what I prefer to do on a Saturday? Shop. I used to love to shop for myself, but ever since this face graced us with his presence...

*notice he is wearing the same socks in both pictures where his socks show. I promise they were washed in between. They're his favorite because they have little dogs on them. Can you tell this boy likes dogs?

...I've been more interested in little boys' clothes. Especially clothes from Kidsen. Talk about adorable. Their sweaters are perfection. Look what I mean:

       They also have awesome shoes--another weakness of mine. Here are some of my faves--girls included.

Crap. Now I want to shop. Somebody stop me.

Supported by Kidsen. All images courtesy of 


  1. I know what you mean about shopping for your little guy instead of yourself.
    I hadn't heard of kidsen .. great, now you are going to force me to shop too! lol

  2. Everyone always says the little girls are more fun to shop for but I'm like you - my tiny guy is so fun to outfit. Love those little shoes.

  3. Your little man and those clothes are too cute! Im going to have to check into Kidsen for my little man.

  4. Love, love, love those sweaters! I also have a weakness for shopping for my little guy! There's just so many adorable finds out there!


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