
Saturday, January 12

My Absence + Obvi Some Makeup Stuff


So did you miss me? I've been completely missing around these parts. I guess I kind of owe you an explanation (hey, I like to keep you in the loop, what can I say). I had to travel this week to New York for calling hours and a funeral. It wasn't for anyone I was super close to, but it was one of those times where I wanted to be there for a friend. You know? Anyway, it took me away from here for a few days, but it was worth it. Priorities, people.

Can I say some random things really quick?

Do you ever write  a blog post and then erase 3/4 of it because you hate it? I do this all the time. It makes for not overly efficient blogging.

Since I was completely absent on Friday, I'm doing a Friday's Letters on a Saturday, OK? Forgive me.

Dear Makeup Class,
You make my weekend. Nothing is happier than talking makeup for two straight hours. I wish a could afford to take 100 of you. In my ideal world, I would take a makeup class every single day of my life.

Dear Carter,
Thanks for falling asleep at 6:15 tonight. You rock. I am going to RE to the LAX tonight and I can't wait. I don't think you've given me this much of a break in like 6 months. Hooray for you.

Dear Favorite Lipstick,
Thanks for being awesome.

(sneak peak for upcoming lip correction post)

Dear Tom,
Excellent move on getting rid of cable. Well done, sir.

Dear Cousin,
Thanks for being my model at class! You're the best! P.S. Doesn't she look like Mariah Carey??

Dear Readers,
There will be another post tomorrow. And the next day, and the next. Get ready for a lack of absence around here. Also, if you have a minute, go say hello to my lovely sponsors over there ----->

TTYL. G2G. LYL. Bye.


  1. She does look gorgeous and I am glad you are having a good time!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  2. Oh my goodness she does look a lot like Mariah!

  3. Glad to hear that all is well! It's always a pleasure to hear about what's bringing you joy!


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