
Thursday, January 31

Let's Talk Business

OK, I thought that was hilarious. Now onto the real stuff...

I have a few updates/things to catch up on with you!

1. I'm so excited that I hit 1,000 GFC followers this week! In honor of that milestone I'm offering 20% off any ad space with code 1000. I'd love to have you over there --->
The code is good until V-Day (2/14). <3
2. The $100 Amazon gift card giveaway has gone swimmingly (yes)! So many entries and I'm so excited about it, as well as the new "faces" around here! There are still 3 days to enter, so get on it!

Next month, I am going to be hosting a $100 Target gift card giveaway. There are two ways to be a part of this giveaway. You can either become a sponsor or you can donate a low fee toward the giveaway prize. For details, email me: amybdowling at gmail dot com with subject "GIVEAWAY"

3. Tomorrow there will be a giveaway for shop credit to Sweet Potato Shop!. This girl is fab and is making me a custom Valentine's Day card that Thomas is going to be the lucky recipient of. I'm so freaking excited about this card. Best. Wife. Ever. Can't wait to show you pictures of it (not yet though because I can't be spoiling it!) So be sure to check back tomorrow!

4. One of my new blog friends, Christie, is adopting a little girl due in April! Although this is very exciting, they need to raise $10,000 in the next 15 days to be able to move forward with the adoption. I have personally donated to this cause because it is something I truly believe in. I wouldn't ask you to help out if it wasn't something I was willing to do myself. While $10,000 sounds like a lot, if we can get 1,000 people to just donate $10 her family would reach their goal! Please take a moment to read her post. Can you help? Make a donation, spread the word, or say a prayer! xo


  1. Amy,

    Thank you SO much for sharing about our fundraiser! I'm so thankful for bloggy friends that are willing to come alongside of us in this CRAZY journey!


  2. CONGRATS on hitting the 1000 mark!!! AWESOME... :)
    ~ Jodie from

  3. Congratulations on 1,000 and Happy Friday!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  4. Congrats on hitting 1000!!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  5. Congratulations!!! Love your blog.

  6. 1000 Followers! That's AWESOME! ;)


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