
Tuesday, January 29

Favorite Baby Gear / / Baby & Co.

It's so funny that when you are pregnant with your first child, your entire focus is which baby gear to choose, what you'll need, and how you can be prepared. I know I spent hours and days reading reviews, clicking through baby sites, stalking message boards, and generally doing nothing else with my life. Once you finally have the baby, you realize perhaps you were a little nutty.

But it's part of the process--and it's a fun part, so read and stalk away. Here is a little list of some of my favorite things we have for Carter (as well as a few things I'd get him two of if it wasn't  ridiculous to do so).

We have the Babyletto Modo  crib in white/espresso.

image via Target

But I also love this grey one from Baby & Co. Grey is one of my favorite colors.
image via Baby & Co

There's just something about a grey crib that makes me think of a clean, comfy nursery. If you haven't noticed, I really love cribs that are even on all four sides. Love the different look rather than having the traditional headboard-esque back.

I LOVE the car seat we have for Carter. It's the Britax Boulevard 70 in Zebra.

This one from Baby & Co even turns into a booster seat! Where was this one when we were car seat shopping??

image via Baby & Co

And lastly, the item that got a ridiculous amount of use is the Beco Butterfly carrier. We have it in Duke, but I'm loving the print in Foxie too. Here is cute baby Carter in his carrier, trying to get a peek at the camera. 

This was a fun little trip down memory lane. Not going to lie--every time I went and searched for a picture on my computer, I watched like 47 videos of newborn Carter. I could swoon over those all night, and swoon I shall...

brought to you by Baby & Co


  1. I wish I would've done more baby-wearing when NK was brand stinkin' new, probably would've been able to get a lot more accomplished around the house during the day! ;)

  2. I never tried the butterfly, but we have another Beco and I love it!

  3. @ Sarah - The Gemini?! That one is great too!! : )

  4. I was definitely one of the above mentioned crazy pregnant ladies! :) In many ways I am so happy I researched the heck out of our gear while I was pregnant because lordy knows you don't have a braincell left with which to do it after your little one arrives! This post takes me down memory lane for sure, spending hours on end looking at baby slings and crib blankets. Such sweet memories.

  5. That grey crib is beyond awesome and I love that carrier! Looking at baby stuff makes me so excited!

  6. HOw come they never made stuff like this when my kids were little :( Hi! I'm your latest follower. Nice to meet you! Hope you can stop by & do the same!

  7. Baby wearing is beyond awesome! And it's nice that someone shows a sling that's not a crotch dangler.

    Is that a Mei Tai?

    We use our slings constantly. With three kids, I need both of my hands free - and baby wearing has been my solution. Now, Gray will get in any sling. So nice!

  8. oooh i am going to check out that baby carrier. my little boy refuses to be put down and it's driving me crazy!

    please stop on by:

  9. I love the grey crib!
    Becco is one carrier I haven't tried. Are the straps less bulky than others?


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