
Tuesday, December 11

Mid-Week Confessions

Yo dawgs.

So right now I should be finishing my project that I'm supposed to be posting about on Friday. It wouldn't really be that fun for me to post about a project I never finished, now would it? It's not even hard to finish, I really only need to put in like 10 minutes of effort, but it's not happening. I'm L to the azy right now.

It could have something to do with the fact that I've been working a crap ton. I really hate that phrase. 

Let me confess a few things to you:

1. I have watched every single episode of Dawson's Creek up to the Season 5 Finale. I'm on that one now. Basically--I do not possess the ability to fall asleep and so that's what I do from 1 am on. It's a good time. I highly suggest re-watching it. It's a thousand times funnier than it was way back when. a) because you can make fun of it and b) because you can make fun of it. 

2. I suck at Elf on the Shelf. The end. It's too boring to write about any longer.

3. Sometimes I wish I could just sit outside in the sun with a computer that you can still see in the sun and write screenplays. Yup, screenplays. And no, I don't live in LA. LOVE screenwriting. Wish it was my job--but I'd have to actually write for that to be the case (oh and all that other BS like submitting it to 98749857389  people) and getting rejected like it's my job, which it basically would be (I don't think you're supposed to end a sentence with "be," but I'm doing it anyway. Wait--I didn't.

4. Sometimes I go back and re-read my already published posts and find a spelling mistake (usually not grammar--go me--yup, I said that--if there are grammar mistakes on here, likely I did it on purpose because I thought it was funny, but didn't point out the fact that I thought it was funny, and just let it sit there like a big mistake) and I feel like a huge idiot, as I should. Oh, and I like to use run-ons sometimes too.

5. I ate Nutella directly out of the jar today. Delicious.

6. Sometimes I want to bawl my eyes out when Carter wakes up early from his nap.



  1. Hahaha you crack me up! Oh and eating Nutella out of the jar? That is a daily thing for me. :)

    Thanks for making me laugh!
    What's in a Name?

  2. HAHA. Too funny about crying with Carter wakes up early from a nap. Buuut....I totally understand, sister! LOL xo

  3. This was hilarious and I can relate to you on SO many levels!
    I can't jump on the bandwagon with Nutella though. Me and hazlenut don't like each other (Bad drinking episode with Frangelica...double Ugh!)

    Reagan is about to go down for her nap and if she doesn't stay asleep for two hours at least I will cry! I have SO much to do!


  4. Great post. I can relate to a few of these; especially the nap one. Hubby and I have been going thru the Madmen series maybe we should check out Dawson's Creek next (notice my attempt at a run on sentence for your benefit).

  5. That Nutella thing, that happens at my house at least once a week. Hubs actually hid the jar from me it was that bad. Rock on with your bad self, I'll be back :)

    Jessica Who? sent me!

  6. When I go back and find things misspelled in my posts, I correct them. Cuz I'm kray like that.

  7. newest follower from Jessica who? and I am loving this post!

    a) i love nutella from the jar..usually I just a banana as a spoon though...


    b)I sometimes hold a GRUDGE against my 3 year old when she wakes up from naps early...

    you are hilarious, keep it up. :)


  8. I confess that today was one of those "I choose sleeping over showering so my hair is in a bun and my tights are covering my un-shaved legs" kinds of days.

    I also confess that the same thing might have happened yesterday... kidding? Maybe?


    You have to. Plus, I *happen* to know you're actually good at this.

    Do it.

    I'm really excited now. I was totally in a pre-dinner slump...I was hangry (hungry + angry) but now I'm just excited about life and I can't wait for you to win awards.

  10. nutella tastes ever better directly out of the jar - and i ALWAYS find mistakes in my old posts. sometimes i edit them - and sometimes i'm too lazy :)

  11. I recently watched Dawson's Creek with my husband, who actually then was my fiance. Poor guy. But oh, it was too great!

  12. I discovered Dawson's Creek on Netflix instant play 2 months ago. I have since re-watched every single episode. I am not ashamed! :)

  13. ahahha #5 is awesome!
    jessica who? sent me here

  14. Stoping by from Jessica's blog!
    I loved Dawson Creek when I was younger... still own the dvds! =)

  15. No worries. Eating peanut butter and nutella out of the jar is literally like my 2nd job. I do it fabulously, by the way ;)

    Haha, the kids I nanny for have an elf on the shelf and his parents aren't the best at it either. I've noticed him in the same place quite a few times. Hahaha

  16. Right there with you on The Dawson's Creek, lady. I even had the husband watching it. Ha! I miss your blog, mama! Coming out of my hibernation and so happy to see that all is well in your neck of the woods!

  17. LOL Dawson's Creek. I remember when everyone was obsessed with that show. I may have watched one or two episodes, but that's it.

    Sent from Jessica Who :)

  18. Thanks so much for the amazing anthro giveaway on jessica who!!

    xo Shane

  19. I suck at Elf on the Shelf too, we are on day 3 that the Elf has not moved from the Shelf LOL. Maybe tomorrow will be better...
    I am visiting from Jessica Who?

  20. I eat nutella out of the jar sometimes too...

  21. bahhhhh . sometimes I want to cry when my little wakes up from his nap too! Normally bc I spent too much time in blog land and didn't do what 'cleaning' needed to be done around the house.

    I think I've been to your blog at least 5 times today.

    I kept forgetting to comment that Jessica Who? sent me . However I read your blog before Jessica who?! but I still wanna win the giveaway!

  22. Girl, I hear ya about Dawson's Creek. I never watched it when it was on, but bought the DVD set for some reason at Costco. Obsessed! Why is it not still running?! Also, I would suck at Elf on the Shelf too, which MIGHT be the reason we aren't doing it. haha


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