
Monday, December 3

Makeup Update + Shopping

Hell to the O, friends.

So I think a little update is on order.

I only have two makeup session left...TWO, until my first course is over! Here are a couple of pictures. The first is a natural/"no makeup" look and the second is a "moderate" look. And that beautiful model? That's my almost-official sister in law, Melissa!

I have learned some things from this class. 

1. There are a lot of little "tricks" I was totally clueless about (I'll have to share a few of these in future posts)
2. I'm better at putting makeup on other people than myself. Weird. I always thought I would feel the opposite, but so not true. It's so much easier to step back and see if everything is even/perfect when you aren't shifting your eyes from one side of your own face to the other. PLUS if my eyeliner is a little messed up I'm like "ah, whatever, who's gonna notice?" But on someone else I have this huge need for it to be absolutely perfect. Hopefully that ends up helping me and doesn't make me ridiculously slow ; )

*non-smooth segue*

I'm kind of obsessed with Kiki La Rue.  Are you? I keep browsing through the site trying to decide what I want most, but it's a hard decision. I really want the dark grey piko top, this gold spike bracelet, and this outlaw top is super cute. I love the font! Such a hard decision. What do you think??

Oh P.S. Sometimes it feels weird talking about myself. I feel like I just want to ask you guys questions instead. How the heck are ya?


  1. This is SO impressive... I need a full tutorial!

    It's an Easy Life

  2. You did an amazing job! I am really starting to dress up my eyes, especially if I am going out.
    Lucky for me I've won some amazing palettes from some giveaways from MUA and am super stoked to start using them!
    I can't wait for the tutorials. Hook a girl up with some tips!


  3. I must have that outlaw top!!! Thanks for sharing! Also, I love the makeup looks, can't wait to read the tips and tricks you've learned! :)

  4. looks great! Definitely looking forward to the tutorial on this one!

  5. Here's my question for you. My eyeliner always smudges under my eye. Always! i've tried wearing less and even none on the bottom, but it still does it. Any tips?

  6. Now that you post it, I am obsessed with Kiki La Rue as well! SUCH cute stuff!

    I already follow you, but Jessica Who sent me again! :)


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