
Monday, December 10

Help Me Choose!

Alright ladies (possibly gents. Yes? No?), I need help. And I need glasses. Badly. The last time I got myself to buy glasses was 7 years ago...SEVEN!! Tom and I just figured this out on a drive to a Christmas party on Saturday morning. We were still dating and Tom came with me to my eye appointment because we were home from college on break! ha!

I've been eyeing a  couple of pairs from I've narrowed it down to three choices. Tell me what you think! I'm forgoing black because I feel like my whole fair skin/blonde hair thing is just too light for such dark glasses. But maybe I'm wrong, who knows. I'm leaning tortoise shell though.




Alright, so what's your vote? Which glasses should I get? I think I'm leaning toward #2. Thoughts?

I guess I'm going to have to sit in front of this virtual mirror for a while and try to decide which I like best! Pretty cool that they have this feature since that's the hard part about buying glasses online--not being able to try them on!

Any comments with suggests/opinions would be appreciated! I'm horrible at deciding on glasses (hence the 7 year wait period since my last pair).

And a post wouldn't be complete without a discount code. Here are a few in case you're in need of a good (cute) pair of eyeglasses as well!

Use FS15 for free shipping and 15% off your entire order (valid on purchases $50+)
or use code Blog10 for 10% off any pair of prescription eyeglasses!

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  1. Jessica Who? sent me but I'm definitely loving those #1 glasses!

  2. I like #1 or #2. I do know bigger glasses are in right now. That's what I hear from my teenage daughters. I need to get glasses soon too.

  3. Visiting from JessicaWho! Excited to be a new follower!! (Im expecting a girl Jan 4th - so I love HIP mommy blogs!!)

    I vote for #3, small and suttle, they will match with anything, aren't to bulky.... Good luck choosing (and for reminding me I need to go get my prescription updated!!)

  4. I like #3 ~ they are more subtle than the first two but it depends on what look you are going for...


  5. I love the second frames!! They remind me a lot of the one's that I just got, so I may be pretty partial. I think #3 is cute too! Definitely a different shape, but I kind of like it too!

  6. I like option number two, what a great pattern!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  7. Jessica Who Sent me I like #2 :-)


    Danielle Faith

  8. Hey girl! Just stopping by via Jessica Who?'s blog! I like #2! They are cute glasses though!

    So glad to have found your blog! Love it! New follower!

  9. I love #3 .. they are a little bit smaller than #2~

  10. #2.
    Here from Jessica Who but I already follow you so i'm not sure if that counts :p

  11. Jessica Who? sent me. I like glasses #1 - mainly because of the detail on the sides.

  12. Yes, definitely #2! I'm probably partial because I own a pair of tortoiseshell wayfarer sunglasses and LOVE them, butttt it's all the same ;)

  13. I like #3, the muse! Thanks for the discount too! btw, Jessica Who sent me over!

  14. I like the second pair more. I just got a pair of ray bans and are similar and I love them!
    fyi i came over from Jessica Who blog :)

  15. I'm loving #1! I just got some with the same color affect. Can't wait!

  16. My brother used to be sponsored by Spy so I got their sunglasses. I loved them when they weren't broken. But I had to return THREE pairs in one year before I gave up. They break easily. Just a heads up. ;)

  17. Jessica Who? sent me and I love the #1 glasses!


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