
Wednesday, December 26

Guess Who's Back

Back again. Amy's back. Tell a friend. Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back da na na...

All right. Enough of that.

So I was going to give you a bunch of precious pictures of Carter opening and having fun with his Christmas gifts, but I forgot my camera USB cable at home (we are staying at my parents' house right now).

Let me paint a picture for you instead: lots of sliding down cool plastic indoor slides, riding in big trucks, remote control cars for toddlers, and other boy things. It's so funny how little boys instinctively love things like cars, trucks and anything physical that they can show off on. Carter provides top notch entertainment.

He also has a sweet, loving, nurturing side. He's been giving lots of kisses to his new veggie tales stuffed animals and to his adorable cousin Ben who's a few months younger than him.

I'm off to take a little trip to Sephora with my sister to get what I think will be  my new favorite lipstick.

We might also make a stop for jewelry supplies.

Want a little preview of some upcoming posts?
-a giveaway!
-the beginning of a Best Friends Series (this is hilarious, not serious and boring like it sounds)--you're welcome, Kelsey. ; )
-too many pictures
-a lip correction makeup tutorial! (with aforementioned lip stick so you might want to snag that on Amazon if you want to recreate the exact look--it's gonna be a good one, I just got goosebumps) ; )

All right, friends. Talk so you soon! xoxoxo

Carter and "Santa" last year...aawwwww <3


  1. I can't wait to read your upcoming posts (and enter the giveaway). They sound amazing.

  2. So happy Carter is having a lovely holiday season! It's so much fun to see the joy as they open presents and spend time with family. That picture is amazing btw! Can't wait for your upcoming posts!


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