
Saturday, December 15

Charleston Naturally

***I will be participating in the blogger day of silence on Tuesday 12/18 in support of Sandy Hook in Newtown, CT. Read about it here and consider participating.***

Hi, I'm Amy, and I have an addiction to lip balm. True story. I've tried them all. Typical ones, natural ones from Whole Foods, homemade ones. They're were Until now. I've found my absolute favorite lib balm ever so I thought it was only fair to share it with you. 

Meet Intelligent Nutrients Lip Delivery Nutrition, AKA, my new best friend (sorry, real life best friends, it's true).

It goes on super smooth, even when it's 30 degrees outside. Gotta love that. As a self declared lip balm connoisseur,  you've got to believe me on this one.  

Carter has a new favorite product too. Erbaviva organic chest balm. He had a cold about a week ago and he loved getting this balm rubbed on his chest before bed. It smells amahzing and instantly makes your sinuses feel clearer. I used it myself when I caught his cold! We like to share everything around here. I really try to keep everything I put on Carter organic so this worked perfectly for us! I can't stand the thought of chemicals seeping into the largest organ on his body (gross).

We got these products from a fantastic online store called Charleston Naturally. I can't stop browsing their site. If you like beauty/skincare products and natural ingredients are a must for you, then this is your online store. Basically, I feel like Charleston Naturally sat down and said, "how can we cater to Amy over at NYABB?" BAHA. That definitely did not happen, but that's how I feel. Like they knew everything I would want and put it all in one place. Go them.

I was given these products for review. All opinions are honest and are my own.


  1. I'm a lip balm addict too..what's worse is that my daughter is now addicted to it also!



  2. Never heard of this brand before but it looks like a great product.

  3. Well this definitely goes on the must do list to check it out! Thanks for sharing.

  4. These looks like great products! Thanks! /i found your blog from Jessica Who and I think it's great!

  5. @Vienna Thank you so much for stopping by!


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