
Thursday, November 15

Puppies and Flash Giveaway!

Sorry, I'm not giving away any puppies. Thought we should clear that up right now. Disappointing, I know.

Had to tell you ladies about this adorable movie I "watched" with Carter. By "watched" I mean I paid attention to it while it was in the background while we read books and played with his little car track. Randomly he would scream "doggy!!" Although, when he screams doggy it doesn't sound like that. He gets so unbelievably excited about dogs that when he sees one he points and (blood curdling) screams "Goooooooooooogggeeeeehhhh!!!"

Well this movie is ridiculously cute and it comes out TOMORROW. The Kaitlyn Maher plays the main character and she is just adorable. Her singing is just sooo sweet (you may remember her from America's Got Talent). And know what sealed the deal on this movie for me? Her "brother's" name is Carter! How can I not like a movie that has the name Carter in it?

Oh, and remember those four little puppies who are the whole point of Santa Paws 2? So cute. If your little ones love dogs, this will be a successful movie night. Guaranteed. 

Now who wants to win one to have said movie night? It's a Blue Ray DVD combo! We're going to keep this simple. 

Leave a separate comment for each entry. 

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Use this tweet: I entered the #giveaway hosted by @Amy_NYABB for the Santa Paws 2 Combo pack!

That's it! Remember to add a separate comment for each entry. Winner will be chosen at NOON tomorrow! Good Luck!

giveaway closed
Brittany B is the winner!
(#12 chosen via

Oh and P.S. That makeup tutorial? It's coming. This week has been straight out of Hell itself, but things will get back in order soon ; )

I received a copy of this film to review. All opinions are my own.


  1. I followed you on Bloglovin', teachmisskteach at

  2. I liked Disney Buddies on Facebook (Karen Che)

  3. I liked NYABB on Facebook (Karen Che)

  4. I followed NYABB on Twitter, my Twitter is @_KayChe

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I tweeted about your giveaway:

  7. I liked Disney Buddies on Facebook.

  8. Oh my gosh! My little Jax would love this! So cute!

  9. How fun~ I just won this movie from another giveaway!
    My first giveaway win ever!!

    I can't wait to get it for Reagan! I know she'll love it!

  10. Following you, I would love to win!

    Sparkles and Shoes
    My 300 Follower Giveaway!

  11. I just wanted to mention that I love the name Carter. :) It's my little brother's name (who is actually not so little now that he's 20 and 6'4'' tall, but... whatever), and I have seriously always loved it. I kind of want to name a child Carter, but then my brother might get a big head and think he's my favorite sibling, and who knows what family drama that might start... haha anyway, yeah. Just letting you know that you have brilliant baby-naming skills. :)


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