
Friday, November 30

Goat Milk

 So Carter has a new favorite outfit from my new favorite online boutique--Goat Milk.

Apparently he likes to bend over and look at me sideways when he wears it.


The thing about this outfit is that it's my new favorite for him too. Want to know why?

1. It's organic.  Organic clothes are always going to be my top choice when it comes to shopping for Carter. No creepy chemicals leaching into his skin. I know--crazy hippie over here. 

2. It's super soft. Noone wants to cuddle a toddler with scratchy clothes. OK,  so you definitely still want to give cuddles, but still, I'm not going to pass up the chance to dress him in something soft and comfy.

3. It's high quality, he looks adorable, and we can use it to layer. He wore this outfit under a pair of jeans and a t-shirt when we went for a walk in the 30 degree weather last week. I could go on.  (and I will...)

It even gives him superior balance.  ; )

If you're looking for high quality basics for your little one, Goat Milk is where it's at. There is just something so sweet and simplistic about throwing out (not literally--don't need any extra tears up in here) the Elmo t-shirts and opting for something a little more quaint. 

Find them on Facebook

I was provided with these products for review. All opinions are honest and are my own.


  1. What a cutie! When I revamp Reagan's Closet next year I am going to do mostly "closet" items ~ organic clothing, etc.
    We will leave Reagan's Toy Chest for the toys!

    I'll have to keep them in mind for sure!


  2. If he is not THE cutest little butter bean I have EVER seen!!!! Love his little outfit too... At first I thought you were about to blog about legitimate goat milk hahaha. Love your little corner of the internet!

    It's an Easy Life

  3. I've never heard of them, but really need to check them out. My boys have really sensitive skin, so I make sure they are always in cozy clothes!


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