
Monday, November 12

Best Shirt Ever: eShakti

Hello Everyone!!

I've missed you this weekend. I was pretty busy with my first MAKEUP CLASS. Yup, you heard that right. It was quite possibly one of the most fun Saturdays I've ever had. I also got a fancy new brush set that you may or may not have seen on Instagram and Twitter. If you didn't see them that means you should probably follow me over there. ; )

Well tomorrow you will be graced with the lo-down on my class and a wait for tutorial! Woo!! My favorite. Although, it's a pre-makeup class tutorial so---don't judge.

Want to know what I wore to my first ever totally awesome makeup class? Good! Because it's my favorite shirt. So my new friends over at eShakti have completely awesome tops, dresses, jackets, skirts, you name it...that are CUSTOM made for you. What, what? I felt super high class while I was putting in all of my measurements on their website. You hear custom and you think pricey, right? Well this is the thing, it's not true. This lovely shirt that I wore was just under $50. Sounds good in my book! I'm also really liking this shirt, and might have to snatch it up before it goes out of stock.

The process for plugging in the measurements was super easy and quick. You even get to customize where the bottom of the shirt falls (above hip, at hip, below, etc) and the sleeve length! Make sure you know your arm length though. I said that my arm length was "average," but my arms must be on the shorter side because my bracelet length shirt is more of a long sleeve, but I don't mind that at all. I still love the shirt, but now I know I have short arms. : ) The shirt came exactly as I ordered it and the color combo is my favorite!

The lighting got a little iffy on this one (^^), but that's OK. I basically just wanted you to see my leopard print flats that I can't stop wearing. 

Oh, you can't really see them? Here you go.

I'm not usually a fan of pictures of feet (they're just not my thing), but this is an exception.

Carter helped me take pictures, as always.

Oh P.S. You notice how my eyebrows look better in this picture than in all my previous ones? You can thank my awesome makeup instructor for that one. I think he deserves a present for that. Good eyebrows make me ridiculously happy. You don't know how bad they were until they're fixed. (You'll get to see my less than perfect ones in the tutorial tomorrow--aren't you excited?)

And then we scooped up Carter and we went inside because it was getting a little too chilly. The moral of the story is--check out eShakti--you won't be sorry.

eShakti gave me this product to review. All opinions are honest and are my own.


  1. That's pretty awesome. The length of the arms is what I'd look for. I have what i call monkey arms. So pretty much all my long sleeve shirts are 3/4 shirts ! :)

  2. You're like the prettiest friend i have xoxox

  3. what a neat seat. Thanks for sharing going to check them out.

  4. Good eyebrows make all the difference in the world! i AGREE!


  5. I love good eyebrows!! Go you!!
    And this shirt is truly amazing!!!

  6. That top is super cute! I love taylored looking clothes, and having it custom made would be awesome because I am a tough fit!

  7. What a cute shirt! And Carter is so adorable in that pic... love it!

    I can't wait to learn how to shape up my eyebrows--they are seriously my worst feature right now... haha :)

    What's in a Name?

  8. I've been hearing a lot about this company lately.. how cool the you can customize a piece! I love the colors your picked :)
    Nikki at

  9. I absolutely love this! I got a black sheer top from there and LOVE it! Such a cool company!

  10. I love that shirt! Looks good on you!

    Just opened up Operation Fabulous! Check it out! Feel free to tweet and facebook it! Hope to bring you lots of new friends :)

  11. New follower from Operation Fabulous!

  12. Carter is a cutie.


    New follower via The Naptime Review

  13. PS..Coming from Operation Fabulous! Following via GFC

  14. What a cute shirt! I love the miltary style of it! I just got a dress from them and think it's made really well! How fun about the makeup class! :)

    The Mrs. and The Momma

  15. You are adorable!

    Your newest follower from Operation Fabulous!

    ~Elisabeth Ferre

  16. That is such a great idea, love the idea of a custom made shirt, esp when it's that cute!

  17. I'm dying in love with that shirt! I can't believe all the measurements they take to make it SO custom! Definitely checking that out.

    And when did Carter start looking like a total preschooler? So big!

  18. HI,

    Following you everywhere from Operation Fabulous! You are adorable and I can't wait to see the make-up lesson.....


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