
Tuesday, October 30

Banana Bread Muffins

Well guys, I broke down and turned my oven on. I know, I know. Tough work. Well I thought that since I actually made something successful that I should share it on here to prove to you that sometimes I'm domestic.

This recipe actually came from my aunt. She used to make banana bread for my cousin and me in college and it always MADE OUR WEEK. I decided to make them into muffins this time just to be different (oh, and I couldn't find any loaf pans...there was that too).

Here's the recipe. It's super simple:

Preheat Oven to 350

1 C sugar (I use 2/3 because I don't like things super sweet)
1/3 C butter
2 eggs
6 ripe bananas
1/3 C water
1 2/3 C all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder

Carter helped me:

You want your batter to be kind of lumpy. You don't need to use a mixer, but if you do, just make sure to mix everything as little as possible:

See what I mean about lumpy?

I always freeze my bananas first. We can never eat a whole bunch of bananas before they get too ripe, so the too ripe ones go in the freezer. If you use frozen bananas, just make sure to cut the peels off first and to defrost them a bit.

If you do that, you'll end up with what I like to call the "pile of death" on your cutting board. Thought I'd include a picture of that too.

Probably go look at that first picture again so you can end on a good note and actually want to make them. OK?

P.S. Enter the Shabby Apple giveaway ($50 GC) here
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  1. You did it!

    You baked (:

    So proud.....

  2. I was actually in the mood to bake some kind of banana...bakeable...this week! I hadn't decided on bread or muffins yet, but these might have just pushed me over the edge into muffin territory.

  3. These look fabulous. Definitely pinning for the future. Thanks girl!

  4. Oh HI gorgeous new blog design!!!! I love it!!!!

    And the pile of death?! Oh, that's just sick! It looks mushroomy.

  5. stopping over from our love and our blessings

    LOVE BANANA NUT MUFFINS...i make/made them once a week for the kids to grab on their way out the door for the bus. yum i keep em in the freezer too! easy to pull them out and thaw the night before!!!

  6. Yum, yum, yum! I just made banana bread last night, but totally should've made them into muffins instead.

  7. Yum. I freeze my bananas too. No matter how few I buy, I buy too much. They do work well with banana bread though. :)

  8. These look good. I might try them.

  9. These look so yummy! I just might try them!! New follower from the Monday Mingle :)

  10. This look delicious! My daughter would love these. I came over from the Monday Mingle and I am a follower of yours now. Would love if you could come visit and follow me.



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