
Monday, September 17

Guest Post: Carly's DIY Cosmetics

So today we're going to learn how to make some DIY cosmetics. Are you excited? Because I am.  I kind of very much like to do that. Like the time I made my own salt scrub

Here's Carly with three awesome DIY cosmetic tutorials. 

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DIY Cosmetics You Will Never Buy Again

Here's a fun fact for all you fashionistas out there: the average woman will spend over $13,000 on makeup in her lifetime. That's over $180 each year - and isn't that money better spent on something useful, like shoes?

Fortunately, you can make many beauty products at home using only items you have in your kitchen. Add a couple of specialty products you can easily snag at a natural foods store or online, and you'll be whipping up your own beauty remedies for far less money in no time. Here are a few easy recipes you can make today:

1. Easy DIY Makeup Removal Wipes. Have you seen how expensive makeup remover is? On the other hand, have you ever tried to take off waterproof mascara without it? They're a necessary evil, like Spanx. Make your own simply and easily by grabbing a plastic container, a roll of paper towels, a pair of scissors and some common kitchen ingredients. First, cut the roll of paper towels in half (you want to wind up with a short-looking roll of paper towels, not a tall, skinny horseshoe shape). Pop them in the plastic container, then dump 4 cups of distilled water, 2 tsp. of coconut oil and a squirt of two of your favorite face wash on top. Seal the container and use when you want to go au naturale.

2. Oil for Everything. Wondering how to improve your beauty regimen quickly and easily? Chances are, there's an oil for that! Vegetable oil and coconut oil make amazing - and simple - hair conditioners. Simply apply some to the ends of your hair after your shower and go! For a leave-in conditioner, apply your oil of choice to your scalp and massage. Comb through your locks and let it sit for a couple hours (just enough time for a mini-marathon of your favorite TV show!), then rinse.

Another excellent oil is tea tree oil - in fact, no beauty routine should be complete without it! Use a drop or two in your usual shampoo to clarify your hair and get rid of dandruff. Rub a drop onto any skin blemishes and watch them disappear like magic!

3. Fresh-Faced Scrub. Yogurt and honey are two amazing foods that you can use on your skin to feel fresh and look great. If you're battling a breakout, try crushing up a few uncoated aspirin, then add 2 tablespoons each of honey and yogurt. Apply to your skin, let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse off. Combat dry skin by mixing a couple of tab\lespoons of cooked oatmeal with a tablespoon each of yogurt and honey. Let it cool a bit, though applying it to your face warm is heavenly.

Making beauty products at home is incredibly simple and can save you tons of money. Why not use things you already have around the home to create your own unique beauty blends? You can customize your favorite recipes to make something personalized for your particular needs - what big beauty company can promise that?

About the Author

Carly Lance is a blog coordinator for Personal Bankruptcy Canada, a company that helps “good people with bad debt. Frugal may be her middle name, but Carly does it with class – which is why she loves to write about saving money, to help others learn from her cheap (but classy!) ways.


  1. yessss to all of it! omg - i neeeeed new makeup remover so this is perf.
    ps - i just read the post below... is sesame c's only food allergy?? how easy/hard will that be to work around?? poor guy.... don't sesame and tree nut allergies go hand in hand??

    XOOXXO big hugs always!

  2. Hi Amy, stopping by from the GFC blog hop! Newest follower, loving your blog!! :)

    Please stop by and say hello!

    Housewife on a Mission


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