
Sunday, September 23

Business Plan Boot Camp: SUCCESS

So, I'm sitting here, drinking my pumpkin coffee from Dunkin Donuts (which, if I'm being honest, really just tastes like pumpkin flavored milk--which is why I'd rather be drinking Starbucks right now, but I digress). But the point is, I'm happy.

I'm happy because we have the best friends in the world. You know those kinds of friends where you don't worry about vacuuming before they come over? And maybe you don't even pick up the kids' toys in the living room, and you just wear yoga pants and a sweatshirt because you know they love you just as much even when you look terrible? Those are the best kinds of friends.

They're also the kind of friends where you can get together on a Saturday night to do work. Yup, you know, like work left over from the week, or studying for finance exams (not me, don't worry), or working on homework for a Master's degree (not me either), or COMING UP WITH YOUR MAKEUP ARTISTRY/HAIR DESIGN BUSINESS NAME, DOMAIN & SLOGAN!?!?!? Because that's what we did last night, I know, we're the epitome of cool. I think we may be the definition of boring married couples, but we don't care. It's worth it.

So yeah, remember that little dream job I told you about back when? Well it was officially born yesterday, except for the fact that it's not our job yet, but it's officially in the works and that's what counts! I guess we took our Business Plan Boot Camp class a little seriously, wouldn't you say? It's also a pretty darn good thing we have CPA/finance husbands because we'd suck at the whole starting a business thing without them. I mean we're great at the coming up with names/uniforms part (we've decided on pink aprons---I KNOW), but we're kind of terrible at the money thing, which is a little bit essential to a business, but whatever.

P.S. Do you know what it's like to sit in a room of "professionals" while they talk about all these Shark Tank-esque ideas and then have them ask you what your business is and you have to say hair and makeup? Kind of intimidating guys, just a tad. But whatever, it was great.

WHERE ARE ALL THE PICTURES of this thrilling Saturday evening, you ask? Well actually, I took them--you know those studious nose-in-the-book shots? They were there. And then just like that they got deleted---because i haven't quite mastered that insta collage app. I'm kind of terrible at it. And no one was really feeling re-takes so I left them alone (you're welcome).

I'll just leave you with this, instead...

His first cider donut. Mmmmmm....


  1. Those kind of friends are only the best. What a treat to have people like that in our world.

  2. I agree..they are the best friends! but they are lucky to have friends like you too!! Cant wait for our adventures together!!

  3. sooo excited for ya missy!

  4. What an exciting new adventure! If I were any good at hair, it be awesome for me too, because I also love doing makeup! However, I have no idea how to even do my own hair most of the time, sooo someone else would need to be in charge of that side of things :)

  5. Congrats on the new opportunities! I just hopped over to your blog via The Coffeehouse, and I love it! New Follower:)

  6. Hey Amy! Found ya from the GFC hop and excited to be your newest follower - I'm excited to go read about that dream job that was born yesterday! oh and I the kind of friends you don't have to clean your house for. hahaha. nice to know I'm not the only one that thinks that way. HA. yay for a new bloggy buddy!

  7. Congrats on the new job opportunity. It sounds awesome! I am curious about Business Boot Camp. I'd love to know more about that :)


  8. I hear ya, on the best-friends-in-the-world thing AND the Starbucks-beats-the-pants-off-Dunkin-Donuts thing too!!

  9. This is really exciting!!! Can't wait to hear more about it (don't worry I'm e-mailing you tonight). I read a really great quote today about friendship on pinterest and now I'm regretting that I didn't repin it because I can't remember it all that well... I just remember that it was really good!! It basically said good friends are concerned about how you're doing while others are just curious? Something like people just want to keep tabs on us and see what we're up to, but true friends do care what we're doing with our lives.

    Looking forward to hearing more about all of this! woohoo! :)


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