
Thursday, September 27

Bloglovin' Blog Hop

Well, it's just a big old blog hop around these parts this week. Thought i'd get it all in at once, you know? It's not possible to meet TOO many bloggers---so link up!

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What's Bloglovin' you ask? Well, only the greatest way to keep track of the blogs that you love. With the discontinuation of Google Friends Connect (GFC) for non-blogger blogs like myself, I decided that I needed to find another way to keep up with all of my favorite blogs that are not hosted by blogger. I stumbled upon Bloglovin' and I am in love! It is very similar to Google Reader, in that you can see the beginning of the post and the first picture attached to the post. Plus, Bloglovin' automatically updates your posts. Another added bonus is there is a Bloglovin' application for IPhone and Android devices. Woohoo! Like I don't spend enough time reading blogs. Now it's a simple touch. Love it!

In order to participate in this hop, you need to have Bloglovin set up for your blog. You can find a super easy tutorial here. I promise it'll take you less than 10 minutes and you'll thank me down the road.

There’s only a couple of rules:
1. Please follow your hosts! They are the 1st nine blogs linked.
2. You MUST link up your Bloglovin' url to participate, NOT your blog.
3. Post our button for the blog hop on your page to promote the fun. You can grab the button from my sidebar. The more the merrier so shout outs about the party on Twitter or Facebook would be greatly appreciated.
If you're interested in co-hosting next month shoot me an email at russej10{at}gmail{dot}com. I also have some sponsor spots still available for October, which you can find here. Alright, so let's have some fun and mingle! Please remember to ONLY link up your Bloglovin URL.


Who doesn't love a comment? Thanks for reading!

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